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Andreea Chitu-Felicitari :-)

2012/04/26 | 08:40 pm | in EJU

Chitu inspired by Romanian gold rush

Chitu inspired by Romanian gold rushThe victory of Romanian Andreea Chitu was a big surprise. In the final U52kg she threw double European Champion Natalya Kuzyutina in a devastating Ippon and took the second gold medal for Romania at the first day of the European Championships in Chelyabinsk. The last time this happened was in 2004 at the Europeans in Bucharest when Dumitru and Ioana Aluas won the same categories as today.
Chitu won the European title U23 in 2010 in Sarajevo in the category U57kg but since she stepped back one category again she is extremely successful. Between 2006 and 2011 she fought U57kg but since a July last year Chitu is fighting U52kg. She won a bronze medal at the World Championships in August last year and won the World Cup in Korea last December. So far this year she wasn’t very successful competing in many events though: Sofia, Paris, Budapest, Duesseldorf and Warsaw only taking a poor seventh place in Poland. So her victory today was an outperformance of high level. In her home country Andreea Chitu should never be a problem for double European Champion Kuzyutina. But the small Chitu hit at the right moment with a devastating score finishing the match immediately.
It wasn’t a present though as Chitu defeated serious opponents such as Spanish Ana Carrascosa in her semi final and German Mareen Kraeh in the quarter final. In her first match she defeated Priscilla Gneto, an outsider for today’s title and Rosalba Forciniti (ITA) is runner-up of the 2010 Europeans, so not an easy road to the final. Her final opponent had to deal with the Romanian flow:
“I felt really inspired by Alina winning the gold. I saw the medal ceremony while I was waiting to get out, and I thought I really wished to be there, too. It is like a dream come true. Last year in Paris at the World Championships I fought in Bercy in Paris, so I already had experience with a lot of spectators. I didn’t feel the pressure of the crowd. I hope to qualify for the Olympic Games now.“

Maybe the contrary was the case for homeplayer Kuzyutina: “I really wanted to win here in Russia. Maybe I wanted it too much. I could have won the final match. At the end, I opened too much to attack and then my opponent used it to her advantage. This was the last competition before the Olympic Games, and each competition is an experience, no matter if you lost or won, but loosing is a sad experience.“
Kuzyutina already tasted that sad feeling at the Grand Prix of Düsseldorf this year finishing second. The only judoka who lost the final of the 2008 European Championships and won a medal in Beijing was Ruben Houkes who was doing the commentary today in the hall.

Two German women won a bronze medal. The German mentality helped Romy Tarangul today, pumping up the positive vibes before each match she was able to defeat Ana Carrascosa in her last match after she lost to Kuzyutina in the quarter final. “This was the revenge for last year when I lost in the bronze medal match to Carrascosa. It meant a lot to me to win this time. Being fifth is always so unsatisfiying and I have had quite a few fifth places. Anyway, it is always a goal to take a medal.“ Tarangul referred to last year’s Europeans in Istanbul and the World Championships in 2010 in Tokyo. She won a silver medal at the 2008 European Championships but finally won her last match.

Another tiny German women is Mareen Kräh who surprisingly defeated Ilse Heylen of Belgium who had beaten her four times before. But Kraeh lost her next match against Chitu but came back in the repechage defeating Joana Ramos and the unfortunate Spanish Laura Gomez who led the match despite a terrible headache due to a slam with her head on the ground after 10 seconds. It was a tough match and everything could happen. Gomez hold the arm of Kräh and made a throw blocking the arm of Kräh and was awarded with hansokumake ending the match for Gomez. The Spaniard couldn’t believe it and wasn’t aware of the danger and could only cry of disbelieve what just happened in a stormy match.

Kräh recovered from her forced elbow and said “It is always nice when there are two of us (Germans) on the podium. I fought Laura Gomez many times and she is a strong opponent. This bronze medal is a nice success for me as I made the podium again after six years.“ Kräh won bronze in 2006 in Tampere at the age of 22, now 28. Since the last five years she faces the competition of Tarangul and new German talents are knocking on the door.


April 28, 2012 Posted by | Campioni, Contra-atacuri, Istorie/History, Stir/News/Novedades, Tehnici/Tecnicas/Techniques | , , , , | Leave a comment



Ninja erau asasini in Japonia medievala. Originea luptătorilor ninja se poate găsi în spionajul apărut cu peste 2500 de ani înainte de Sun Tzu (cca. 400-320 î.e.n.), care afirma, în tratatul său intitulat “Arta războiului”, că “nu există domeniu în care spionii să nu poată fi folosiţi cu succes”. În pofida anonimatului lor, anumite familii ninja au devenit celebre, la sfârşitul secolului al XVI-lea, când au intrat în serviciul marilor seniori (daimyo), care îi foloseau în disputele lor cu alte clanuri de samurai. Cea mai mare parte a luptătorilor ninja proveneau din provinciile Iga şi Koga (la est de Lacul Biwa). Cu toate acestea, Oda Nobunaga – unul dintre cei trei unificatori ai Japoniei medievale, a încercat să elimine influenţa acestora, iar în anul 1581, 46.000 de samurai au fost trimişi împotriva a 4.000 de ninja. Cea mai mare parte dintre ninja au fost omorâţi, iar cei care au scăpat s-au refugiat în zone retrase din munţi, unde s-au amestecat cu sătenii.

Ninpo Budo (Ninjitsu), sau arta marţială transmisă de clanurile ninja, este o formă neconvenţională de arte marţiale, adaptată la o luptă inegală sau la situaţii ce îl pun pe luptător într-o poziţie de inferioritate. Sensei Toshitsugu Takamatsu a fost unul dintre ultimii ninja autentici ai perioadei moderne a Japoniei. În prezent, învăţătura sa o duce mai departe cel mai avansat elev al său, Sensei Hatsumi Masaaki, care a reunit toate tradiţiile ninja sub denumirea de Bujinkan Ninpo Budo. Acesta a primit Premiul Internaţional pentru Cultură din partea guvernului japonez, fiind de asemenea deţinătorul a nenumărate distincţii onorifice, dintre care amintim: Cavaler al Germaniei şi Texas Ranger.


In the history of Japan, a ninja (忍者 ninja?) was someone specially trained in a variety of unorthodox arts of war. The methods used by ninja included assassination, espionage, and a variety of martial arts.

In the Japanese culture, they were usually trained for dangerous missions.[citation needed]Their exact origins are still unknown. Their roles may have included sabotage, espionage, scouting and assassination missions as a way to destabilize and cause social chaos in enemy territory or against an opposing ruler, perhaps in the service of their feudal rulers (daimyo, shogun), or an underground ninja organization waging guerilla warfare.[citation needed]

Historical organization

In their history, ninja groups were small and structured around families and villages, later developing a more martial hierarchy that was able to mesh more closely with that of samurai and the daimyo. These certain ninjutsu trained groups were set in these villages for protection against raiders and robbers.

“Ninja museums” in Japan declare women to have been ninjas as well. A female ninja may be kunoichi (くノ一); the characters are derived from the strokes that make up the kanji for female (女). They were sometimes depicted as spies who learned the secrets of an enemy by seduction; though it’s just as likely they were employed as household servants, putting them in a position to overhear potentially valuable information.[citation needed]

As a martial organization, ninja would have had many rules, and keeping secret the ninja’s clan and the daimyo who gave them their orders would have been one of the most important ones.[citation needed]

For modern hierarchy in ninjutsu, see Ninjutsu.



Eran contratados para trabajos verdaderamente duros que las personas normales no podían hacer, instruidos en el antiguo arte del ninjutsu (literalmente “El Arte del Sigilo”) un arte marcial consistente principalmente en una exhaustiva recopilación de técnicas de espionaje, confusión, combate desarmado y con armas tradicionales de la época, y muy particularmente, recolección de información. En misiones nocturnas, donde se requería llegar (y salir) sin ser vistos, los ninja solían vestir de colores oscuros, cubiertos completamente (Shinobi Shozoku), salvo la zona de los ojos y nariz que era untada con una mezcla de carbón y polvos finos que opacaban la piel. Para otras misiones podían recurrir al método del disfraz y el engaño (Kyojutsu). Sus armas de preferencia eran los shuriken, cuchillas y otros objetos metálicos ideales para lanzar, los kunaininjato (la espada del ninja), de hoja más corta y recta y un mango más largo que la katana. Eran aptos de usar una enorme variedad de armas y artefactos especialmente diseñados para sus fines y con múltiples funciones. Esto es porque el Ninja no le da un sentido único y estricto a cada una de sus herramientas, sino que al usarlas las adapta para todas las situaciones. Así, a modo de ejemplo, las espadas no solo cortaban, también se utilizaban para trepar, colocándolas como un punto de apoyo para acceder a un punto más alto y luego recuperándola con una soga con la que se llevaba amarrada. (una especie de pala con punta y filo con multiples funciones), el

Los ninja, entonces, eran principalmente campesinos entrenados en el llamado “arte del la perseverancia”, y su tarea principal era proteger su nación y familia, encargandose de misiones en las cuales era fundamental la discreción, la eficiencia y el subterfugio. Su rol era similar al que desempeñan los comandos en ejércitos modernos. Durante las largas eras de guerras civiles en Japón, los ninja solían organizarse en clanes y ofrecer sus servicios a los Señores, solo en casos particulares feudales. El mito dice que los ninja no tenían escrúpulo ninguno a la hora de actuar, pero en realidad seguían los preceptos de un código de honor muy elaborado, el ninpo, similar en su manera al bushido de los samurai, que regía paso por paso la manera de actuar de los guerreros. El Ninja respetaba la vida más que nada, por lo que su principal objetivo era evitar el daño tanto para si mismo como para su oponente, buscando controlarlo en lugar de matarlo, llegando hasta este extremo solo en condiciones muy necesarias. Tanto el ninpo como el mismo concepto del ninjutsu se cree que provienen de las antiguas técnicas de espionaje chinas, consideradas en su día como las mejores del mundo. El mayor punto fuerte de los Ninja era la creencia popular de su falta de fortaleza, siendo que en realidad tenían un especializado sistema de combate, apto para enfrentarse, inclusive, a varios oponentes juntos.

Tras la unificación de Japón, las bondades de los ninja fueron descubiertas por shogunes y emperadores, y fue entonces cuando los ninja pasaron a ser considerados una especie de servicio de inteligencia del gobierno.


May 8, 2008 Posted by | Istorie/History, Uncategorized | , , , , , | Leave a comment


KODOKAN llevado al castellano tiene un significado bastante aproximado como “Casa del Guerrero” nombre otorgado por el profesor Jigoro Kano a un nuevo estilo de Jiu Jitsu desarrollado por él a finales del siglo XIX, tomando técnicas de otros estilos tradicionales en los cuales ya habia alcanzado su maestria, con ello busca la pefeccion de estas técnicas y se concentra más que en otros estilos en el manejo del “Ne Waza”, después de haber perfeccionado su nuevo estilo y comenzar a entrenar unos pocos discipulos, tiene una visión muy importante la cual la podemos ver hoy en día; sabiendo que el sistema de combate contiene una gran cantidad de técnicas que fueron hechas para la guerra, estando ya establecido el Jiu Jitsu Kodokan decide desglosarlo quitando algunos “Atemi Waza” entre otras técnicas para desarrollar un nuevo sistema de combate que pueda utilizarse a nivel deportivo y competitivo, menos peligroso con el fin de difundirlo por todo el mundo y popularizandolo totalmente despues de unos años ahora conocido como judo Kodokan al cual despues se le realizan algunas modificaciones hasta convertirlo en deporte olimpico.

El judo Kodokan es el estilo de Judo desarrollado por el profesor Jigoro Kano.

El Instituto KodoKan tiene su sede en Tokio, Japón. Fue fundado por Jigoro Kano en 1892. El Instituto es quien establece los kata, las técnicas, del Judo.

“Aclaratoria” Existe la confusion entre distintos practicantes de artes marciales con respecto a la creacion del Judo y de quien fue primero si el el Jiu Jitsu o el Judo ya que el JIU JITSU KODOKAN es muy joven y poco conocido, pero existen bases y fuentes historicas las cuales son muy antiguas y que explican con mayor exactitud todos estos sucesos y acontecimientos que tambien seran incluidos luego en el articulo.


The Kodokan Institute offers classes for those who want to master judo. The program is authorized as a non-regular school by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. Its courses include the theories and practice of judo, and matters of general education. The course is divided into two; a general course for novices, and special courses for those who have completed the general course or its equivalent.

The Kodokan also issues ranks, and many judo black belts around the world become Kodokan members and have their ranks registered with the Kodokan.

The Institute was founded with only nine disciples. The growth of judo in its early years is demonstrated by the growth of the Kodokan itself:

  • 12 mats – May 1882, at the Eishōji, a Buddhist temple in Kamakura
  • 10 mats – February 1883, at Jimbōchō, Kanda
  • 20 mats – September 1883, at Shihan’s house, Kōjimachi
  • 40 mats – Spring 1887, at Shinagawa’s house, Kōjimachi
  • 60 mats – April 1890, at Hongō-ku, Masaga-chō
  • 107 mats – February 1894, at Koishikawa-chō, Shimotomisaka-chō
  • 207 mats – November 1897, at Koishikawa, Shimotomisaka-chō
  • 314 mats – January 1898, at Ōtsuka Sakashita-chō
  • 514 mats – December 1919, at 1-chome Kasuga-chō, Bunkyō-ku
  • 986 mats – March 1958, at 2-chome, Kasuga-chō, Bunkō-ku

Today, the Kodokan has 1,206 mats across the five main dojos (Main, School, International, Women’s, Boys), plus a ‘Special’ dojo for retired judoka and special technique study uses.


Judo (柔道jūdō), sau “calea blândeţii”, este o artă marţială japoneză modernă (Gendai budō). În 1882, pornind de la principiile tradiţionalului jujutsu şi păstrând tehnicile de aruncare şi prize ale acestuia, profesorul Jigoro Kano şi-a format propriul său stil, care a devenit cunoscut sub denumirea de Kano-ryu, iar mai târziu s-a numit Kodokan Judo. Principiile sale se bazează pe folosirea supleţei în locul forţei brute, fiind eliminate loviturile şi unele luxări periculoase, cum ar fi luxarea degetelor. În judo se folosesc proiectări, secerări, fixări la sol, strangulări şi luxări.
La începutul secolului trecut, pe măsură ce judoul a fost popularizat în Europa, şi-a pierdut treptat caracterul şi proprietăţile de artă marţială, transformându-se în sport. În 1964 judo a devenit probă olimpică.
Practicantul judoului se numeşte judoka. Echipamentul de judo, numit judogi, a fost introdus de către Kano1907, dar pentru grade folosea, în continuare, numai centuri albe şi negre.


May 2, 2008 Posted by | Istorie/History, Uncategorized | , , | 2 Comments


Te-waza (手技): hand throwing techniques

Unrecognized technique

Koshi-waza (腰技): hip throwing techniques

Unrecognized techniques/Tecnicas no reconocidas/Tehnici nerecunoscute

Ashi-waza (足技): foot throwing techniques

Sutemi-waza (捨身技): sacrifice techniques

Ma-sutemi (真捨身技): front sacrifices

Yoko-sutemi (橫捨身技): side sacrifices

Unrecognized techniques/Tecnicas no reconocidas/Tehnici nerecunoscute


May 2, 2008 Posted by | Istorie/History, Tehnici/Tecnicas/Techniques, Uncategorized | Leave a comment